The authors explore The British Interregnum: a yesterday that never happened. Three hundred years before George Orwell wrote his 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty Four, Seventeenth Century events referred to as the 'Interregnum', could have served as one source for his inspiration. Several themes run through Orwell's musings, and one pertains to the compilation of a dictionary scheduled for publication by the year 2050. The purpose of Orwell's lexicon is to document the finality of a process achieved through 'extirpation by redaction'. By intentionally reversing common definitions of specific words, and then interjecting those alternative renditions into common usage, they eventually lose their original meanings, and those words can be then be removed from the dictionary. Orwell explained that it is part of a process to control human memory: "You are unable to remember
real events and you persuade yourself that you remember other events which never happened." Today, each time the word 'Interregnum' is substituted for events which took place between the years 1649 to 1660, the process of 'extirpation by redaction' is being employed. Note: This article was originally written and submitted for publication early in 2015, but due to the publisher's own problems, its publication was delayed along with all other articles submitted to the same journal.